Student proves that it is never to late to learn

Pictured, Ivory (center) is presented with the J. Travis Jackson Memorial Scholarship during the 2012 GED graduation ceremony. Making the presentation is Danny Muskrat, President of the Mount Pleasant Rotary Club (left) and Carolyn Pope, GED Instructor.

Like many young people, Curtis Ivory dropped out of Pittsburg High School in 1996 with the best of intentions. His girlfriend (now wife) was pregnant with their first child and it was up to him to get a job to support his growing family.

NTCC signs articulation agreement with A&M-Texarkana

Representatives from Northeast Texas Community College and Texas A&M University-Texarkana recently met at the NTCC campus to sign a Reciprocal Articulation Agreement that will assure continued local access by NTCC students to Texas A&M-Texarkana degrees.

A signing ceremony was held on May 22 a the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts with NTCC President Dr. Brad Johnson (left) and A&M-Texarkana President Dr. C.B.

Euterpean Club supports NTCC Campaign for the Whatley

The Euterpean Club of Mount Pleasant recently presented a gift to the Northeast Texas Community College Campaign for the Whatley. The check was presented during their regular meeting at the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Pleasant. Pictured is: front row (from left):†Helen Hampton, Jon McCullough, Frances Beck and Carolyn Franks. Pictured back row (from left) is Barbara Caldwell, Rosemary Evetts, Francis Standridge, Joyce Caldwell, Sharon Palmer and†Sharon Weeks.

NTCC Board swears in members, elects officers

The Northeast Texas Community College Board of Trustees elected new officers and swore in three board members at the regular May meeting Tuesday night.

Dr. Dan McCauley and Sid Greer were sworn in for new six-year terms by Titus County Judge Brian Lee. Both terms expired in 2012, but were renewed without holding an election as both incumbents were unopposed.†

"Dr. McCauley and Mr.

Campaign for the Whatley receives $50,000

The Northeast Texas Community College Foundation recently received a $50,000 check from the Burt and Nancy Marans Estate. This gift will contribute to The Campaign for the Whatley. It will be used to help fund the renovation of the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts at NTCC. Pictured at the check presentation is (from left): Jon Alexander, Attorney at Law with Wilson, Robertson and Cornelius, and Executive Director of the Marans Trust Fund; Candy Carpenter Martin, daughter of the late Burt and Nan Marans; Kathy Carpenter, daughter-in-law of the late Burt and Nan Marans; Dr.