NTCC employees honored for service
Sarah Rainey named November Fittest Employee of the Month
NTCC adds new Community Health Worker Certification program
The Community Health Worker curriculum provides study in chronic disease knowledge, patient resources, and teaching skills.
Weinbrenner named 2015 Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholar
NTCC Agriculture to offer Annie's Project courses
Getting a grip on today?s agriculture technology and becoming an effective farm business partner is†the focus of Annie?s Project. Northeast Texas Community College Agriculture is joining this exciting initiative with a series of courses beginning in January. †Annie?s Project is based on the experiences of a farm wife who spent her†lifetime learning how to be an involved business partner with her farm husband. Together they did†great things, but it wasn?t easy.
Heidi Wooten named fittest employee for October
Guaranty Bank and Trust sponsors Asleep at the Wheel
Winner announced in early voting drawing
Voters approve NTCC Prop 2, decline Prop 1
Proposition One dealt with restructuring NTCC's tax cap and would grant the college the ability to pay back debt. Proposition Two authorized the college to issue $19.9 million in bonds to repair the 30-year-old NTCC campus.
?This leaves the college with the authority to issue bonds, but no way to pay them back,? Dr. Brad Johnson, NTCC President, said.