Alison Majors, Sarah Dierflinger and Tristan Dierflinger represented NTCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at the District 3 meeting held in Tyler on August 30. Attendees began the day by touring the Tyler Rose Gardens and Rose Museum. Lunch was served on the campus of the host college, Tyler Junior College. After lunch, attendees had the chance to make new friends as well as meet up with old friends from throughout the area. A variety of activities at the district meeting had the group laughing and interacting.
District 3 includes 18 community colleges in the northeastern corner of Texas, ranging from Texarkana to Waco.
Alpha Mu Chi is NTCC’s five-star, award winning chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Chapter meetings are held on campus every Monday at 12:30 in SUB 101. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn more about the scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship opportunities Phi Theta Kappa provides.