Four NTCC student at National Collegiate Honors Council meeting

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For the 10th year in a row, members of Honors Northeast, the honors program at Northeast Texas Community College, have presented scholarly work at the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC). Presidential Scholars Brenda Godoy, Cassidy Watkins, Adriana Rodriguez and Rachel Jordan maintained the college?s tradition of presenting at the conference, which was held in Atlanta, Georgia earlier this month.

The NCHC program committee accepted 126 General Session panel proposals from around the nation into the program, as well as 300 student poster presenters, including a few directly from China and Europe.† The majority of participants came from university honors programs and colleges. Jordan and Rodriguez both qualified for the poster presentations, and made lively presentations among a very select group of student researchers.

For the fourth year in a row, Honors Northeast presented their own General Session at the NCHC, a rare feat for a two-year college honors program. The NTCC group composed a panel on ?lime lighting and community engagement? through film. Here, Godoy, Watkins, Rodriguez and Jordan joined Honors Director Dr. Andrew Yox in a feature of NTCC?s film culture.

An anonymous donor made the trip possible for students and even provided an extra $100 in spending money for participants. The NTCC group attended meetings of the conference, had lunch at the top of the Sundial Restaurant and explored the monuments and majestic skyline scenery of Atlanta?s Centennial Park.† Jordan, recently elected as the Student officer of the Great Plains Honors Council, attended both the plenary meeting of the GPHC and a special breakfast for the Executive Council.

?It was exhilarating to bring a student group like this to a national conference, so willing to prepare, and so poised and pertinent in their presentations.† We also thank many friends of Honors Northeast including Dr. Mary Hearron and President Ron Clinton, for the special encouragement and time they devoted to the development of †these presentations,? Yox said.